
Truck Crash

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All collisions that occur on Federal Way’s roads are serious matters that have the potential to inflict harsh injuries. However, perhaps no incidents are as potentially life-altering as those that involve commercial trucks. These massive vehicles weigh multiple tons, and this mass transfers to the bodies of people in smaller vehicles. It is no wonder that Bellevue truck accident lawyer,Tacoma truck accident lawyer,and truck accident lawyer Tacoma can be so crucial in handling these devastating situations.

Thankfully, people who suffer injuries in these incidents have the chance to recover compensation for their losses with the help of a skilled injury attorney. A Federal Way truck accident lawyer is prepared to take the lead in claims for payment against negligent truck drivers, their employers, and their insurance companies.

Truck Drivers Have an Obligation to Keep Other Travelers Safe

Operating a commercial vehicle in Federal Way comes with many obligations. Chief among these is driving in a way that does not place other people at an unnecessary risk of harm. In many situations, this involves following the rules of the road that apply to all travelers. Truck drivers must obey speed limits, stop at red lights, and yield when required to smaller vehicles.

However, additional rules govern the safe and legal driving of trucks. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration says that drivers may not be behind the wheel for more than 11 hours in one trip if they do not take a break. In no instance can a person drive for more than 14 hours without a ten-hour break. Similar laws limit the maximum weight of vehicles on highways, and local municipalities may control which types of vehicles can travel on which surfaces. A Federal Way truck accident attorney could provide more information about the legal obligations of truckers to protect other people.

Seeking Fair Compensation After an Accident

Once a person is able to prove that a truck driver was negligent in causing an accident, the next step of a case is demonstrating how that negligence affected their life. Negligent parties must provide compensation that covers all a party’s losses. As a result, collecting full payment requires the correct identification of defendants as well as an accurate accounting of one’s losses.

Choosing the right defendants can be difficult. Of course, the driver of the truck is responsible for their own actions. In addition, that driver must have insurance in case of a collision. However, it may be possible to hold that driver’s employer jointly liable for the crash. Employers are responsible for the actions of their employees. If the truck driver was on the clock at the time of the crash, that driver’s employer might share liability for the resulting damage.

Properly calculating this damage is the final piece of the puzzle. While physical injuries are certainly a major and essential part of a claim, a comprehensive demand for compensation will evaluate the full impact of the incident on a person’s life. Many cases demand payments for emotional traumas, lost quality of life, and missing income as the result of a truck crash. A Federal Way truck accident attorney could help to properly calculate damages after an accident.

Work with a Federal Way Truck Accident Attorney to Protect Your Rights

The aftermath of a truck accident can be devastating. Even a minor impact between these massive vehicles and other cars can cause life-altering injuries. People who receive prompt medical care may still require hospitalization or invasive surgeries to make their best recoveries. These events may also inflict harsh emotional traumas or limit a person’s ability to earn a living.

Truck drivers and their employers are liable to provide compensation after being at fault for an accident. Still, it falls to you to prove that they were at fault. A Federal Way truck accident lawyer may be able to help with this process. An attorney can explain the laws that pertain to your case and perform a full investigation into the cause of an accident. Working together, it is possible to obtain the compensation that you need without ever going to court.

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