Are You at Fault If Someone Pulls Out in Front of You?

The Ye Law Firm Injury Lawyers > Blog > Car Accident > Are You at Fault If Someone Pulls Out in Front of You?

You are likely not at fault if someone pulls out in front of you, resulting in an accident. There may be exceptions, such as if you were traveling well over the speed limit. However, it is still the responsibility of the motorist who pulls into traffic to ensure the coast is clear before they enter your traffic lane ahead of your vehicle. This means the driver who pulls out is usually to blame for this type of collision.

If you hit the motorist who pulled in front of you, they likely miscalculated distance or made another serious error. This error makes them or their insurer financially responsible for your accident-related damages. Proving their liability can be challenging, so you should never wait to hire a car accident attorney to seek fair compensation for you.

What Can Cause You to Hit Someone Who Pulls in Front of You

As your car accident lawyer builds your case, they will work to prove the errors liable parties made that led to your accident. Some forms of negligence that can be relevant to your case include:

Miscalculating the Speed or Distance of Oncoming Traffic

A motorist may pull in front of an oncoming vehicle because:

  • They think they have more clearance than they do
  • They believe they can speed or engage in another dangerous driving maneuver to avoid a collision
  • They are inexperienced and do not understand how quickly oncoming vehicles are traveling
  • They make any other miscalculation that leads to a collision

Every motorist must drive defensively and conservatively. If there is any question about whether pulling into traffic can result in a collision, the motorist must wait until it is safe to pull out.

Being Impaired

Impaired motorists often lack:

  • Accurate depth perception
  • Judgment
  • Precise vision
  • Strong motor function
  • Other attributes necessary to safe driving

A motorist who is tired, intoxicated, or under the influence of drugs may be more likely to pull into oncoming traffic. Thousands of people die each year because of impaired motorists, and even more suffer severe injuries. If you or a loved one are one of these people, a car accident lawyer will seek justice for the impaired motorist’s negligence.

Being Distracted

Being distracted can be just as dangerous as being impaired, if not more so. A motorist can be distracted by:

  • Their cell phone
  • Reaching for items inside the vehicle
  • Conversation
  • Eating or drinking
  • Sights outside the vehicle

A distracted motorist may fail to see oncoming traffic. They could also be lost in thought, conversation, or activity and, therefore, not thinking clearly about their next move. In any case, a distracted motorist can be responsible for any accident they cause.

Driving an Unsafe Vehicle

A motorist may be safely able to pull into traffic, only to have their vehicle slow down or stop suddenly because of a defect. A blown tire, engine defect, or other vehicle-related hazard can lead to a collision.

When a vehicle is the cause of an accident, the motorist can be liable. They may have failed to take proper care of the vehicle or knowingly driven an unsafe vehicle. The manufacturer can also be liable if the defect stemmed from their negligence.

Your car accident attorney will make the case that the liable party did something (and perhaps multiple things) to cause your accident.

I Hit Someone Who Pulled Out in Front of Me. What Should I Do?

If you were hit by another motorist, essential steps to take include:

Getting Medical Care

Even those who are not suffering obvious injury symptoms should get medical attention after an auto accident because:

  • You may have injuries that do not always produce immediate symptoms, like whiplash
  • The psychological effects of the accident may prevent you from recognizing injury symptoms
  • If you suffered an injury, you need to ensure your safety and document the injuries

A doctor may provide a physical examination, medical imaging, and other services essential to your health and case.

Reporting Your Accident

If your insurance company is not already aware of your accident, you should notify them as soon as possible. You can do this after you hire an attorney, so long as you don’t wait to hire your lawyer.

Even though you must report your accident, you should:

  • Never imply that you somehow caused the accident
  • Refuse to answer questions you are not sure of the answer to
  • Consider allowing your lawyer to help you craft any statements to insurers

Recognize that insurance companies can use statements against your claim. If you are not cautious or do not consult a car accident lawyer, you risk saying something that leads to financial hardship.

Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer 

Hiring a car accident attorney is the right move for countless accident victims yearly. You may hire a lawyer because:

  • You don’t have time to deal with an insurance claim or lawsuit
  • You don’t have any substantial background with auto accident claims or lawsuit
  • You believe an attorney can do the best job seeking the money you deserve
  • You need to focus on your health

There is also a lawyer’s fee structure, which puts no financial pressure on you. These are contingency fees, meaning the lawyer’s fee is contingent on them securing the compensation you deserve. Your attorney and their team will only receive a fee if you win your case.

My Loved One Died Because Someone Hit Them. Should I Hire an Attorney?

A lawyer can also handle any wrongful death case you choose to pursue. These cases are immensely important, as you deserve justice if your loved one is no longer with you. You may also have significant financial and non-economic hardship that warrants a financial recovery.

Many law firms that represent auto accident victims handle both:

  • Cases involving non-fatal injuries
  • Wrongful death cases

As you research prospective firms, you will find whether or not they represent victims of wrongful deaths.

How to Find a Lawyer for an Auto Accident

You can find a lawyer by researching online, acting on recommendations, and responding to local advertisements. You may choose your attorney based on the following:

  • Their case results: The most accomplished law firms have a long history of securing settlements and verdicts for auto accident victims. Considering the high cost of accidents resulting in injuries, you should seek a firm that has proven its ability to obtain compensation for clients.
  • Their client reviews: Client reviews and testimonials can tell you plenty about a law firm. Whether reviews are mainly positive, largely negative, or somewhere in between, you should consider these reviews before you hire an attorney.
  • Your consultation: Completing consultations is crucial in hiring a law firm. You can ask questions about the firm and evaluate how representatives deal with you.

A consultation is a chance to ask about relevant case results, which lawyer will represent you, and why the law firm is qualified to lead your case.

Steps a Lawyer May Take to Secure the Compensation You Deserve

Your attorney will have sole responsibility for winning your case. They may work with a team of experts, investigators, and paralegals as they build your case, and their team will:

Prove How the Motorist Who Pulled in Front of You Was Negligent

Your attorney will investigate the details of your accident. They will use evidence to prove how the motorist caused you harm, and such evidence may include:

  • Video
  • Eyewitness accounts
  • A police report
  • An expert’s digital reconstruction of the accident
  • Photographs of damaged vehicles

Attorneys leverage all available evidence to prove their client is entitled to compensation. The sooner you retain a lawyer, the sooner they can secure all helpful evidence.

Document Damages from Your Collision

Documentation of your accident-related damages may include:

  • Various medical images, including but not limited to X-rays
  • Doctors’ testimony about physical injuries and your healthcare needs
  • Mental health experts’ testimony about your pain and suffering
  • An expert’s testimony about your inability to work due to injuries
  • Past income statements
  • Invoices for repairing your vehicle

Your lawyer will present such documentation during settlement negotiations or a trial.

Determine the Cost of Your Damages

Your lawyer will calculate a case value based on your economic and non-economic damages. They will demand that insurers or other liable parties pay this amount through a settlement. If necessary, your lawyer will request that a jury award you compensation covering all accident-related damages.

Negotiate with Insurance Companies

Allow your lawyer to communicate and negotiate with insurance companies, which may:

  • Look to save as much money as possible (even at your expense)
  • Blame you for causing the accident
  • Undervalue the financial cost of your damages
  • Delay the claims process
  • Give a lowball settlement offer and refuse to negotiate meaningfully

Insurance companies can also use accident victims’ words against them. This is a particularly problematic concern given that victims are often traumatized or compromised in other ways. Allow a lawyer to deal with insurers, as they will protect you from such threats.

File a Lawsuit, If You Choose To

You may need to file a lawsuit for multiple reasons. For instance, if insurance companies refuse to offer a fair settlement, you may sue the motorist who pulled out in front of you (or any other liable party).

Take Your Case to Trial, If Necessary

If you and your legal team decide to go to trial, your lawyer will represent you in legal proceedings. It generally involves preparing all parties for trial, questioning witnesses, presenting experts, and tying together a comprehensive case for the jury.

Take the Rest of Your Case Off Your Hands

Your attorney will manage every other aspect of your case. While attorneys have a firm understanding of both claims and lawsuits, there is always an element of unpredictability in such cases. Your lawyer will ensure you can focus on recovery because they will manage every detail of your case.

What Damages Can I Receive from Someone Who Pulled in Front of Me?

Damages from auto accidents can cause immediate and long-term harm, including:

Vehicle Damage

Your lawyer will seek compensation for the cost of repairing or replacing your damaged vehicle. Your lawyer will weigh these costs if you need a rental vehicle or your automobile was totaled.

Medical Expenses

Money should never stop you from receiving the treatment you need, and your lawyer will work to ensure it doesn’t. Your attorney will evaluate the cost of:

  • Diagnostic procedures, including imaging and a physical evaluation
  • Hospital services
  • Surgeries
  • All doctor appointments
  • Medical equipment
  • Any other medical services or items related to your accident

Whether through insurance or other means, your lawyer will work to ensure you pay no medical bills out of your pocket.

Pain and Suffering

Auto accidents can be immensely traumatic, resulting in:

  • PTSD
  • Emotional anguish
  • Psychological distress
  • Sleep disruptions
  • Lost quality of life
  • Substance-related problems
  • Brain damage
  • Loss of physical abilities
  • Loss of cognitive abilities
  • Scarring and other types of disfigurement

Your lawyer will work with mental health experts to diagnose such damages and pursue fair compensation.

Lost Income

There is often a professional cost when someone pulls in front of you, causing an accident. Those costs can include:

  • Lost income
  • Diminished earning power
  • Lost opportunities for overtime pay, performance bonuses, and other additional income

If you have any other professional damages related to an auto accident, your attorney will include those damages in your case.

Mental Health Services

If you need any mental health treatment because of your accident, your lawyer will include the cost of your treatment in your case.

Those who lose loved ones also suffer immensely. You may have funeral costs, lost financial support, and severe grief that entitle you to compensation. Lawyers know the cost of auto collisions, and an attorney will work to secure justice for you.

Don’t Wait to Hire Your Car Accident Attorney

If you were injured in a car accident because a driver pulled out in front of you, contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Deadlines for auto accident cases are not optional. Though there can be exceptions to statutes of limitations, you must not wait to find your attorney and discuss your case. Discuss your case for free with a legal professional at Ye Law Firm, Inc. P.S. today.

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Chong Ye