Bicyclist Struck at the Crosswalk by Driver Who Fled the Scene

The Ye Law Firm Injury Lawyers > Blog > Case Results > Bicyclist Struck at the Crosswalk by Driver Who Fled the Scene

Location: S. 320th St. Federal Way, WA

At-fault driver was traveling WB in S. 320th St. Our client, a pedal cyclist was riding his scooter and crossing S. 320th St. at the marked-lighted crosswalk area just west of 5th Ave. S. According to witnesses at the scene the flashers were on for the pedestrian to cross. When our client crossed, At-fault driver failed to grant the right of way to the pedestrian in the crosswalk striking him and launching him approximately 20 feet in a SW direction where he came to rest in the center median area. The at-fault driver continued driving and fled the scene WB on S. 320th St. Our minor client was transported via his mother to Harborview Medical Center Emergency Room. Our minor client was released from the emergency room with no major injury or broken bones from the collision.

In total, he received medical care in excess of $50,000.00. We secured $88,333.00 from his parent’s uninsured motorist insurer. Fortunately, he had a state sponsored health insurance, after the settlement, we disbursed to the minor client, $55,147.74 from the settlement.

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Chong Ye