The Ye Law Firm Injury Lawyers team is always looking for ways to be involved and engaged in our community. We are passionate about giving back and supporting those in our Washington community. Below are some ways we are actively participating:
Hometown Hero Nomination
The Ye Law Firm Injury Lawyers understands the sacrifices first responders make daily for the greater good of their communities. To help give back and honor these brave men and women, we are excited to hold Hometown Hero Nomination!
This is an excellent opportunity to honor anyone who impacts our community and inspired us every day. We are currently accepting nominations, so please submit someone special so that they have a chance to win a price!
Coloring Book Contest
To help show our appreciatiation for local heroes and core firm values, we have an exciting opporunity for our young neighbors! Children 12 and younger can submit a drawing from our coloring book for a chance to win a $25 gift card as part of our contest!
Generous Heart Scholarship
We are proud to offer The Ye Law Firm Injury Lawyers Generous Heart Scholarship! As a personal injury firm, we love being able to give back to the community and help those in need. We created this scholarship to hear from students who are just as passionate about helping others and how it has positively impacted them.
To learn about our 2021 winner, please visit our winner's page!
Camp Parkview Sponsorship
Our firm is proud to help support Camp Parkview. The organization is a stay-away camp for adults with disabilities located on Vashon Island. Established in the 70's, this camp has provided campers and volunteer counselors with countless summer memories.
Unfortunately, Camp Parkview was unable to operate during the COVIS-19 pandemic, and adults with disabilities struggles to find different opportunities. To help, our firm is supporting a fundraiser led by Chong's eldest daughter, Caitlyn. To help support this great cause, please visit this GoFundMe page.