Kindness Matters. Doing Good Matters.
Recognizing Both Are Important.
It is FREE to make a nomination and you can nominate as many heroes as you want!!
Doing Good in our communities and overall kindness takes many forms, and too often, it is not acknowledged or appreciated. We want to change that! Together, we can bring stories of Good back into our daily lives. We want to drown out the negative stories and replace them with the positive and Acts of Good that are being done in our community every day.
We need your help to do this!!
It’s Quick, Easy, and FREE!!
Let’s bring stories of good deeds, respect, and relationships back into our community!
Help us start this movement by nominating a local first responder or anyone who you notice making a difference in the life of another or our community.
Do you know an outstanding local police officer, EMT, or fireman? If so, nominate that person for The Ye Law Firm Hometown Hero.
Maybe you have a neighbor or co-worker who you think is a hero. If so, nominate that person for The Ye Law Firm Hometown Hero.
We need your help to do this!!
Each honored hero will receive a $100 Amazon gift card and we will also send a $100 Amazon gift card to the charity of their choice.

Honored Hometown Heroes!
Jim and Donna Cox
Jim and Donna Cox are Hometown Heroes! Check out their nomination here and learn more about how they make a difference in our community. You can watch their reaction to learning about this honor and award in the video below.
Judi Potter
Judi Potter is a Hometown Hero! Check out her nomination and learn more about how she makes a difference in our community and award in the video below!