Rear-End Collision Resulting in Left and Right Wrist Surgeries

The Ye Law Firm Injury Lawyers > Blog > Case Results > Rear-End Collision Resulting in Left and Right Wrist Surgeries

Location: SB State Route 167, Auburn, WA

Our client was traveling south on State Route 167 near mile post 10 through heavy, stop-and-go traffic.

The at-fault driver was speeding down the right shoulder and sideswiped another vehicle. He continued SB onto the off ramp to 8th Street/Jovita Blvd. and slammed into our client’s car causing it to strike a transit van. Our client’s car continued to be pushed past the transit van until it collided with a third vehicle. Impact was violent and severe, causing all airbags in our client’s car to deploy and the total loss of his vehicle.

Following the collision, at-fault driver fled the scene on foot, continuing south towards 8th Street/Jovita Blvd. He was followed by a witness and later contacted by law enforcement. While being questioned by police, the at-fault driver was incoherent. After it was determined that the at-fault driver was having a diabetic episode, he was transported to the hospital for treatment. His mother later informed police that the at-fault had also been treated a day prior at the hospital for a previous diabetic episode.

Our client was diagnosed with post-traumatic headache, neck pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain, low back pain, hip pain, and knee pain. He initially went to the chiropractor for adjustments. When his condition worsened, he went to the urgent care for further evaluation. He also treated with an acupuncturist. His chiropractor referred him for an MRI of his right wrist and left wrist when he complained of ongoing wrist pains. The MRI of his wrists revealed tears. He was seen by an orthopedist who successfully performed wrist surgeries.

We obtained a total settlement of $135,000.00, $25,000.00 from the at-fault party’s insurance company and $100,000.00 from the client’s underinsured motorist company plus PIP waiver.

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Chong Ye