Sara Travis

Ye Law Firm > Team Members > Sara Travis
  • Jack Law Associates PC, 185 Town Park Drive, Suite 310 Tumpa , FL33602
  • (123) 00 8888 999
  • (123) 00 8888 997

Sara Travis

Loan Lawyer

Business Development Manager

Sara and her family moved to the Lower 48 from Fairbanks, Alaska, to be closer to extended family. She keeps busy with her kids, is a lifelong learner, loves to read, and watch hockey and baseball.She earned her undergraduate degree in business administration, magna cum laude, then an MBA in general management and marketing from the School of Management at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.Her education ignited her passion of helping businesses communicate their messages with clients. At the law firm, Sara uses that passion to help us reach out to folks who have been injured and can use our free legal information.

Business Law
Family Law
Divorce Law
Loan Law